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Welcome to the European BioEnergy Portal!
Tavaline pilliroog (Phragmites australis) kasvab intensiivselt mitmel pool rannikualadel, järvede ja jõgede kallastel ning seda peetakse nii tüütavaks taimeks kui ka ilusaks loodusvaate osaks või millekski vahepealseks - sõltuvalt sellest, kes on vaataja või kellele esitakse vastavaid küsimusi. Pilliroogu võib liigitada peaaegu kultuurtaimeks, mis paljuneb ja kasvab looduslikult, kuid pakub mitmeid kasutusvõimalusi nii ettevõtjatele kui ka kohalikele elanikele |
eBIO is the voice of the European bioethanol fuel industry, providing advocacy, authoritative analysis and important industry data to its members, the European Institutions, strategic partners, the media and other opinion leaders. |
Energiakultuuride kalkulaator |
Soome Biokütuste Ühing |
Rootsi Biokütuste Ühing |
Bioenergybaltic |
Biomassi ja jäätmete koostiste andmebaas |
Welcome to the World Bioenergy 2006 Feel the heat ...and power as the second edition of World Bioenergy draws closer. With its unique “Taking you from Know-How to Show-How” concept World Bioenergy aims to provide you with the full commercial insight behind Sweden’s leading role in the bioenergy sector. |
The REPROMO pantnership comprises companies and istitutes with a broad range of expertises on RES action and the socio - economic framework conditions in the REPROMO target countries. | |
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News from CADDET Renewable Energy Issue 4/00 of the CADDET Renewable Energy Newsletter is now available on the website. This interesting issue features many exciting items. These include details on how Photovoltaics have been used by a leading UK supermarket to power refrigerated trailers, keeping perishable foods chilled. Another informative item features the Japanese "Water Beetle" a new floating water purification unit powered by a solar panel |
A searchable database of over 3000 documents on climate change is now online on the Climate Network Europe website at |
The US Department of Energy's "Brightfields" website was recently redesigned to give it a crisp, clean look that is easy to navigate. The Brightfields concept is to use pollution-free solar energy and high-tech solar manufacturing jobs for revitalising abandoned industrial sites, often referred to as "brownfields." |
The exhibit illustrated ways in which renewable energy can help to alleviate poverty by helping to raise family income and improve the quality of life. More details at: |
Ballard Power Systems and Victrex plc have announced that they have entered into an exclusive agreement to develop and manufacture ionomers (proton conductive polymers) for use in membranes for BallardŢ fuel cells. Ballard and Victrex will develop the manufacturing processes for Ballard´s proprietary ionomer and collaborate on the development of Victrex´s proprietary ionomer. The initial development period will last up to four years. Ballard is a world leader in developing, manufacturing and marketing zero-emission proton exchange membrane fuel cells for use in transportation, electricity generation and portable power products. Victrex plc is a world-leading, high-performance materials group at the forefront of polymer technology. More information |
A new non-profit US organisation, Hydrogen Now! Has been launched to take hydrogen fuel into the world energy market by bringing a new level of awareness to the public. The Hydrogen Now! website features news and facts about hydrogen fuel. |
TEDDY 2000/2001: TERI energy data directory and year book is now available (price USD 129). This publication is an annual compendium on Indian energy data giving latest figures on energy supply and demand, costs and prices, consumption, etc. It provides an overview of the implications of the government's policies for the Indian economy. It also includes sections on the latest technological developments, environmental implications of energy use, and energy economy linkages. Available from the Tata Energy Research Institute website |